Attaining the state of “Still Mind” in Meditation
MarksMethodology® is a new methodology for meditation, that could coach people to get to the state of “Still Mind” through Awareness, Observation and Clearing. This unique transformational methodology can make people become alert, active, sharp, & spontaneous. The negative emotions and conversations associated with those emotions disappear. This will result in calmness of mind, increased ability to learn, increased productivity and it will significantly improve one’s ability to communicate. This will lead to a state of joy and fulfillment as never experienced before.
With the initial field study involving over 60 participants, the results has been overwhelmingly positive (details of study will be released later). The methodology is well received, and considered breakthrough work, in the professional community that includes established people in the spiritual/transformational areas. .
Tangible benefits experienced are:
- Breakthrough Methodology in achieving the state of “Still Mind”
- Go through this methodology once and “being present” becomes almost a permanent state of being
- This could be a complete Transformational Process leading to new Ideas and Actions
- Calm and alert mind leads to Effective Management of Issues and Increased Productivity
- Chaos and Confusion disappears leading to sharp and observant mind
- Clear and Attentive Mind leads to Increased Spontaneity and Self-Expression
- Proactive way of identifying Negative Emotions helps in minimizing their Impact
- Being Totally Aware and Observant leads to exceptional Listening Abilities
- Being Conscious of everything you do and say leads to Reduced Mistakes
- and much much more……
Please Contact Us to learn more about this Methodology!